Dedicated to helping students attain higher test scores, improve their learning skills, and earn the opportunity to have a rich educational experience in the United States. We strive to help students achieve their full potential and realize their dreams.


Dedicated to helping students attain higher test scores, improve their learning skills, and earn the opportunity to have a rich educational experience in the United States. We strive to help students achieve their full potential and realize their dreams.

Our Services

Transitioning to a new life in a new country, away from family, friends, and all the customs of your native land, can be a daunting proposition. Sometimes an immigrant just needs someone to turn to, someone who understands the trials and tribulations of this life. This is the guidance that is offered by Gulin Academy.


Boston Gulin Academy works closely with you and your child to choose the right school to enhance his/her academic experience in the US. We follow these steps to ensure that the fit between your child and the school meets your child’s needs.

Test Preparation

BGA offers one on one online tutoring service during the school year. During summer/winter break, we offer extensive TOEFL and SSAT/SAT review courses in person to our students. Our experienced teachers from Boston

Academic Tutoring

BGA offers highly personalized and targeted tutoring programs to help our students develop learning skills and study habits as well as providing the determination necessary to excel in the classroom and beyond.

Summer/Winter Camps

BGA will create specific Summer Camp sessions for students and/or families, or for common-interest groups as determined by their personal needs and interests. Camps can be geared toward music.

Boston Gulin Academy, (“BGA”) provides Chinese-speaking students with educational and consulting services. Its staff guides and advises students on how best to present themselves to U.S. schools through a targeted assessment of each student’s interests, values, abilities and goals. BGA provides guidance and mentorship throughout this sometimes grueling process.

What People Say About Us

三年前,高考不理想的我彷徨,焦躁,感觉很沮丧。从帮我翻译成绩单到陪我谈心,邹老师以朴实阳光的性格, 一丝不苟地工作态度慢慢地影响着我,他利用自己从业多年积累的专业知识为我选择了东北大学建筑专业,感谢邹老师在学业上的鼓励和在人生道路上的指导使我坚定了今后的发展方向,最终进入理想的大学继续深造。现在我的生活忙碌而充实。感谢邹老师!
