Academic Tutoring

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.
Amelia Earhart
BGA offers highly personalized and targeted tutoring programs to help our students develop learning skills and study habits as well as providing the determination necessary to excel in the classroom and beyond.
We can offer you the most suitable tutoring service, whether you want to supercharge your prep course with a few hours of private instruction or choose a full-fledged tutoring program. We can tailor to fit your needs, whether you need us for the whole year or just to prepare for an upcoming mid-term, final exam, or term paper.
BGA tutoring program strives to help students learn the subject-specific skills and stratgies they need to become effective independent learners. Our tutors excel in their subject areas and demonstrate exceptional interpersonal skills. We train our tutors to provide students with the tools and support they need to tackle the material on their own. Our tutoring programs can do more than just raise grades. We can help you build the core skills and confidence that you need for a successful academic journey in the US.
We offer customized Private Academic Tutoring programs across all subject areas:
* Math (all levels – including Algebra, Geometry, Calculus and Statistics)
* English, Reading and Writing (all levels)
* Biology and Chemistry
* Physics
* U.S. and World History
* Government and Politics…
Many of our tutors have advanced degrees (Masters or Doctorates) with many years of tutoring experience. Our tutors will design a plan targeted to your specific needs and schedule. Our tutors will keep you motivated and help you to focus on achieving your best score.
Besides year round tutoring on the above subjects, we also offer the following four levels of tutoring service:
- High School 6th to 12th grade all subjects tutoring needs
- High School AP course and tests all subjects tutoring needs
- TOEFL, SAT/ACT Subject tests tutoring needs
- GRE / GMAT tutoring needs