Boston Gulin Academy works closely with you and the student to best select the school that most closely fit the needs of your child. We follow these steps to ensure that the fit between your child and the school meets your child’s needs so that maximum academic and personal growth can occur.
In order to develop a customized plan for each client, BGA spends concentrated time researching related information about private and public colleges and universities, big university or liberal arts colleges, considered as viable options to achieving the students’s goals. We normally include coverage of up to 10 schools for our base contract. If clients would like a larger selection, BGA will also prepare additional information for clients who have additional and specific questions.
At a second meeting, BGA will discuss with clients the initial plan that they have developed and review the specific schools that have been chosen as part of said plan. Based on client feedback, BGA may choose to amend the plan and refine the goals.
BGA will assign one adviser to each student throughout the process. The advisor will have a detailed discussion with clients, in order to determine their background, academic experience, personality type, and any specific skills or advantages which could be leveraged throughout the process. During this stage, clients and students are free to update BGA at any time on changes with regard to their academic situation or any other relevant details.
Some family or student may have special or specific interests in certain fields of study; to optimize the academic experience, we may introduce an expert in their area to work with the students in plan development. Our experts have rich experience in related fields, they can analyze the student’s interests and the potential in order to provide guidance to the student for maximizing his/her academic experience.
When the application process begins, BGA will guide the students through the process and encourage them to work independently. BGA will assists with editing the essays and reviewing their information for completeness and accuracy.