



,导致会计、金融和工商管理等专业的毕业生面临更高的职业替代风险(International Monetary Fund, 2024)。根据国际货币基金组织的报告,全球约40%的工作岗位可能受到AI的影响,而在发达经济体中,这一比例可能超过60%。例如,预计到2030年,AI驱动的自动化将在金融服务领域取代约30%的入门级岗位(PwC, 2024)。

     与此同时,依赖创造力、战略思维和人际沟通能力的领域,如心理学、社会工作和艺术创作等,由于其以人为核心的特质,受到AI影响较小。医疗行业(如护理和医学)也展现出抗AI的能力,主要由于其需要复杂的决策和实际护理操作。根据Pew Research的研究,美国约23%的劳动者从事的岗位较少受到AI威胁,通常集中在对情感智力和手工技能要求较高的领域。

     随着AI技术的不断发展,学术机构也在迅速适应这一趋势。《Inside Higher Ed》2023年的调查显示,48%的学生正在重新评估自己的学术路径,越来越多的人选择那些AI风险较低的专业,或者聚焦于AI开发与管理的STEM领域。此外,普华永道(2024)的分析指出,受AI影响较大的行业劳动生产率年均增长5.2%,然而这些岗位的招聘增长率仅为1.8%,显示出市场对于复合型技能的需求日益增强。


         引言:人工智能(AI)已从一个概念性的构想到变成深刻影响全球经济与行业的颠覆性技术。根据预测,全球人工智能市场在2024年至2030年期间将以36.6%的年复合增长率(CAGR)快速发展,这一增长主要受到机器学习、自然语言处理和计算机视觉等技术进步的推动(Exploding Topics,2024)。人工智能的分类可从能力和功能两个维度来分析,这对理解其潜力和局限性至关重要。

      基于能力的分类,人工智能可分为三类:狭义人工智能(ANI)、广义人工智能(AGI)和超人工智能(ASI)。狭义人工智能(或称“弱AI”)专门用于完成特定任务,如Siri和Alexa等虚拟助手,或用于欺诈检测与人脸识别的AI系统(Google AI,2024)。广义人工智能则仍处于理论阶段,旨在模拟并超越人类的认知能力,具备在不同领域独立执行任务的能力,DeepMind与OpenAI等组织正积极推动这一领域的研究(DeepMind,2023)。超人工智能是一个未来设想,预测它将具备远超人类的智能,包括更强的创造力、解决问题能力及自我意识。


      随着人工智能的迅猛发展,AI在各行各业的应用已加速推进。2024年,人工智能领域的风险投资已突破900亿美元,体现了市场对AI创新的信心(Barron’s,2024)。英伟达CEO黄仁勋称,AI驱动的机器人技术是一个“万亿级机会”(Financial Times,2024)。预计到2030年,AI将为全球经济贡献高达15.7万亿美元(PwC,2024)。



      与医疗保健相关的专业(如护理和生物医学工程)持续呈现增长趋势,自2020年以来,入学人数已增长22%(American Association of Colleges of Nursing,2024)。这一趋势表明,医疗行业在应对人工智能带来的自动化方面展现出强大适应能力,尤其是这些职业高度依赖同理心、实践技能和复杂的决策能力。此外,社会科学和艺术类专业也展现出一定的稳定性,这些领域的核心在于创造力和人际交往能力,人工智能尚难以有效复制。

     这种趋势也延伸到了跨学科课程的快速发展中。越来越多大学开设了诸如人工智能伦理学、人机交互和机器人学等新兴课程,凸显了培养能够应对人工智能伦理问题的专业人才的重要性(Stanford AI Index,2024)。这一变化反映了对复合型技能的日益需求——学生不仅需要掌握技术能力,还需具备沟通、协调等软技能,以在人工智能主导的工作环境中保持竞争力。

     同时,人工智能的影响正逐步渗透至课程设计领域。像麻省理工学院和卡内基梅隆大学等领先高校,已将人工智能素养融入其核心课程,确保各学科学生都能建立对人工智能的基本理解。预计到2025年,62%的大学将把人工智能相关课程纳入通识教育的要求(Inside Higher Ed,2024)。这种课程改革不仅反映了教育与科技发展的融合,也体现了对未来人才培养方式的重新定义。






      会计行业也面临AI的深刻影响,特别是在审计、审查和信托领域。Moss Adams最近的一项研究表明,69%的会计师认为AI为该行业带来了积极变化,例如提升了工作质量(42%)、数据准确性(41%),并降低了财务成本(31%)。AI在财务报告中的整合正在加速,目前已有72%的公司在这一领域进行试点或应用了AI,预计在未来三年这一比例将达到100%。

     在审计领域,AI正彻底改变传统工作流程。预计到2033年,审计市场中的AI技术规模将从2023年的10亿美元增长到117亿美元,年均复合增长率(CAGR)为27.9%。尽管如此,AI的“黑箱”特性仍是一个挑战。美国注册会计师协会报告指出,AI在审计过程中的透明度问题可能会影响人们对其结果的信任(Moss Adams,2024;American Institute of CPAs,2024)。






The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Select College Studies / Roles

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the employment landscape, significantly influencing the relevance and prospects of various college majors. Recent studies highlight that AI is poised to automate tasks in fields such as data entry, transaction processing, and routine manufacturing roles, placing majors like accounting, finance, and business administration at increased risk of job displacement (International Monetary Fund, 2024). According to an IMF report, AI could impact nearly 40% of jobs globally, with advanced economies experiencing even greater exposure rates, sometimes exceeding 60%. In sectors like financial services, AI-driven automation threatens approximately 30% of entry-level positions by 2030 (PwC, 2024). Conversely, majors emphasizing interpersonal skills, creativity, and critical thinking—such as psychology, social work, and the arts—face lower risk due to the human-centric nature of these fields. Healthcare professions, including nursing and medicine, also exhibit resistance to automation due to the necessity for complex decision-making and physical care. A Pew Research study found that 23% of U.S. workers occupy jobs least exposed to AI, predominantly in sectors requiring emotional intelligence and manual dexterity. Academic institutions are responding to these shifts; a survey by Inside Higher Ed (2023) indicated that 48% of students are reconsidering their academic trajectories in light of AI advancements, with increased enrollment in AI-resistant fields and STEM disciplines that focus on AI development and oversight. The labor market is adapting in parallel. Analysis by PwC (2024) reveals that AI-exposed sectors experience labor productivity growth averaging 5.2% annually, while hiring growth in these roles lags at 1.8%, suggesting evolving demands for hybrid skill sets. Ultimately, as AI transforms industries, students must strategically navigate their academic and professional choices, balancing passion with the realities of future job market demands.

Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transitioned from a speculative concept to a transformative technological force, influencing industries ranging from healthcare to finance. The global AI market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36.6% between 2024 and 2030 (Exploding Topics, 2024), driven by advances in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. AI can be classified by both capability and functionality, which are essential for understanding its potential applications and limitations.

Capability-based classifications delineate AI into three primary categories: Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI). ANI, or weak AI, is designed to execute specific tasks within defined parameters. Examples include virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, as well as AI systems used in fraud detection and facial recognition (Google AI, 2024). AGI, still theoretical, aspires to replicate human cognitive abilities across diverse tasks and domains, with organizations like DeepMind and OpenAI actively pursuing advancements in this area (DeepMind, 2023). ASI, a speculative concept, envisions intelligence surpassing human capabilities, encompassing superior problem-solving, creativity, and self-awareness.

From a functional perspective, AI systems are categorized as reactive machines, limited memory AI, theory of mind AI, and self-aware AI. Reactive machines operate without memory or the ability to learn from experience, exemplified by IBM’s Deep Blue, which defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. Limited memory AI, such as autonomous vehicles, integrates past data to enhance decision-making processes. Theory of mind AI, still in developmental phases, focuses on understanding human emotions and social interactions. Self-aware AI, which remains hypothetical, would possess consciousness and self-reflection.

As AI technology progresses, its integration across industries continues to accelerate. In 2024, venture capital investments in AI surpassed $90 billion, reflecting increased confidence in AI-driven innovation (Barron’s, 2024). Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang described robotics powered by AI as a “multi trillion-dollar opportunity” (Financial Times, 2024). AI’s expansion is poised to influence global economic growth, with estimates suggesting AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030 (PwC, 2024).

For college students, understanding these AI classifications and market dynamics is vital for making informed decisions about their academic and professional futures. As AI reshapes traditional career paths, students must weigh the susceptibility of various majors to automation and align their skills with emerging industry demands

Impact on College Majors and Career Trends: The rising influence of AI is already shifting the preferences of college students as they select their majors, driven by concerns over job security, automation risks, and evolving labor demands. Data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES, 2024) reveals that enrollment in computer science and engineering programs has increased by 34% over the past five years, reflecting heightened interest in AI development and technology-related careers. Simultaneously, there has been a 19% decline in enrollment for business administration and accounting majors, fields that AI is predicted to disrupt significantly. A report from Deloitte (2024) projects that 47% of tasks currently performed by financial analysts will be automated by 2028, prompting students to pivot towards areas like data science, which combines analytical skills with AI integration.

Healthcare-related majors, such as nursing and biomedical engineering, are witnessing sustained growth, with enrollment rising by 22% since 2020 (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2024). This trend reflects the resilience of healthcare careers to AI automation due to the necessity of human empathy, dexterity, and critical decision-making. Additionally, majors in the social sciences and arts have remained stable, as these fields emphasize creative and interpersonal skills that AI struggles to replicate effectively.

The shift is also evident in emerging interdisciplinary programs. Universities are increasingly offering degrees in AI ethics, human-computer interaction, and robotics, recognizing the demand for professionals who can navigate the ethical implications of AI deployment (Stanford AI Index, 2024). This reflects a broader transition toward hybrid skill sets, where students blend technical proficiency with soft skills to ensure adaptability in AI-driven workplaces.

Moreover, AI’s impact extends beyond major selection to curriculum design. Institutions such as MIT and Carnegie Mellon have integrated AI literacy into core curricula, ensuring that students across disciplines develop a foundational understanding of AI technology. By 2025, 62% of universities are expected to incorporate AI courses into general education requirements (Inside Higher Ed, 2024).

As AI continues to reshape the labor market, college students are becoming increasingly strategic in their academic choices. This shift not only reflects evolving workforce needs but also underscores the importance of aligning educational pathways with future industry trends. Ultimately, while AI may displace certain jobs, it will simultaneously create new opportunities for those equipped with the skills to harness its potential.

Long-term Outlook on Various Roles: The long-term outlook for roles in major industries is closely tied to AI’s evolving capabilities. In accounting and auditing, AI will automate repetitive tasks such as data reconciliation, tax preparation, and risk assessment. Big Four firms like Deloitte and PwC are already investing in AI tools that streamline audits and detect anomalies faster than human accountants (Forbes, 2024). This will shift the focus of accountants towards advisory services, requiring deeper analytical skills and strategic insights. Entry-level roles will decline, but demand for professionals adept at interpreting AI-generated data will rise.

In consulting, AI-driven analytics will enhance client solutions, enabling consultants to focus on complex problem-solving and innovative strategy development. Routine market analysis and data gathering will become automated, but AI will create opportunities in fields like AI ethics, digital transformation, and change management. Junior associates will need to cultivate skills in AI application and interpretation to stay relevant.

In the healthcare industry, AI accelerates research and development by simulating biological processes, thereby expediting drug discovery and personalized medicine. AI-powered tools have been instrumental in analyzing complex biological data, leading to faster and more accurate insights.The integration of AI into healthcare practices has improved patient management and care. Clinical laboratory specialties, including radiology and pathology, have adopted AI to assist in image analysis, diagnosis, and clinical reporting, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and efficiency.AI’s role in biomedical engineering is expected to expand, with applications ranging from developing medical devices to optimizing patient care technologies. This growth emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge and continuous learning for professionals in the field.

Computer science will remain at the forefront of AI development, with growing demand for AI specialists, data scientists, and software engineers. However, the field will fragment further, as new specializations such as AI governance, algorithm auditing, and human-AI interaction design emerge. As automation takes over basic coding tasks, future computer scientists will focus on developing innovative AI models and managing AI-driven systems, requiring continuous learning and adaptation.

Investment banking AI integration is projected to significantly boost productivity. Deloitte predicts that the top 14 global investment banks can enhance their front-office productivity by as much as 27%–35% e of generative AI. Additionally, AI adoption in financial modeling enables predictive models that reveal unseen patterns and revenue drivers, accelerating mundane tasks. Furthermore, AI enhances predictive analytics and market simulations, enabling faster, data-driven decision-making. By analyzing vast datasets, AI can identify market trends and consumer behavior, providing deeper insights into market dynamics. This capability allows investment banks to make more informed decisions, improving their competitive edge. As AI continues to evolve, junior analysts will need to cultivate skills in AI application and interpretation to stay relevant. 

Accounting is also disrupted by Artificial Intelligence (AI),  particularly in audit, assurance and trust. A recent study by Moss Adams found that 69% of accountants believe AI positively impacts the profession, enhancing work quality (42%), data accuracy (41%), and reducing fiscal costs (31%). The integration of AI into financial reporting is accelerating, with 72% of companies currently piloting or using AI in this area. This adoption is expected to reach nearly 100% within the next three years. In the audit sector, AI is revolutionizing traditional processes. The AI in Audit Market is projected to grow from USD 1.0 billion in 2023 to USD 11.7 billion by 2033, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.9%. Despite these advancements, challenges remain. A report by the American Institute of CPAs highlights concerns about the “black box” nature of AI, which can hinder trust in AI-driven audit processes. 

Conclusion: As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to reshape industries, college students must be prepared for a rapidly evolving job market. AI’s influence will be most pronounced in fields where automation can replace repetitive tasks, such as accounting, finance, and business administration, leading to a reduction in entry-level positions. However, this transformation also creates new opportunities in areas that demand human creativity, strategic thinking, and interpersonal skills. Fields like AI ethics, digital transformation, and human-AI collaboration are expected to grow, offering roles that blend technical expertise with critical thinking and emotional intelligence. While certain jobs may be displaced, the demand for hybrid skill sets—combining AI literacy with domain-specific knowledge—is rising. Students will need to adapt by focusing on roles that require judgment, decision-making, and complex problem-solving, as these are less likely to be automated. The job market will thus favor those who can navigate both technological advancements and the human-centric aspects of their chosen fields.

Gulin Academy is dedicated to empowering students with a forward-thinking vision, aligning closely with the transformative trends of artificial intelligence. We provide personalized academic planning and career development support, guiding students to make informed decisions during the critical stages of interest exploration and major selection. Our goal is to help students choose the right paths early on, minimizing unnecessary detours and maximizing their potential. By conducting in-depth research on industry trends, particularly the profound changes driven by AI, we aim to equip students with skills and knowledge that align seamlessly with market demands. This ensures they are prepared to stand out in competitive job markets and thrive in the rapidly evolving workplace.

At Gulin Academy, we are committed to holistic student development, fostering the adaptability and resilience needed to navigate technological advancements and future-proof their careers.


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