
Boston Gulin Academy works with each student and family to identify their needs and help to meet their goals.  One of the most important services BGA offers is to help smooth the transition of settling in the US.

Settling service include:

  • Housing and accommodation arrangement  We will help you to find the suitable housing and accommodations to make your transit to the US comfortable and pleasant.
  • Property management   We help you talk to the right expert and real estate professionals to identify the real estate market and to ultimately choose the right real estate property for you to invest in.
  • Medical and special needs   Boston is known for its world-class medical schools, hospital and doctors.  BGA can arrange medical appointments for our students and families to visit the leading doctors and experts in the area.  If surgery or other treatments are needed, we can assist them in the recovery process during their stay by providing transportation, accommodation and other necessary services.

BGA works with other services providers to offer the best available information to our students and families to fulfill their needs and goals.